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8 things to do for itching skin.


Do you suffer from itching skin? Do you have an uncontrollable urge to itch the area? We understand how embarrassing it can be when you continuously have an urge to itch your skin in a public place. 

Skin relief is on its way! 

Itching skin, also known as pruritus, is a skin condition brought about by many factors including dermatitis, pregnancy, diabetes, hypersensitivities, medications, and dry skin. 

Regardless of the reason, itching skin can be irritating and embarrassing. It can aggravate especially at night time. In the night, our body releases a hormone called cytokines that could aggravate the irritation and itching skin, as it interferes in the creation of a hormone called corticosteroid that is necessary for alleviating inflammation. 

What Are The Symptoms of Itching Skin

Itching skin could affect a small area and could begin with small changes in weather or temperature. From the scalp to an arm or a leg, or even the whole body, itching skin could be associated with: 

  • Scratch marks
  • Redness 
  • Rashes
  • Blisters or bumps 
  • Cracked and dry skin
  • Flaky or patchy skin   

When To See A Doctor

Though itching skin can be treated with simple home remedies, however, you might need to consult a doctor if the condition is associated with:

  • It is has lasted more than two weeks 
  • No home remedy has been effective  
  • It has made daily routines difficult for you  
  • Unexplained effects on your body  
  • It is associated with fever, night sweats, or weight loss

Types of Itching Skin:

Below we have mentioned different types of itching skin conditions:  

  • Several skin conditions like xerosis, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, burns, scars, insect bites, scabies, parasites, and hive bites could also lead to itching skin.
  • Diseases like liver disease, myeloma or lymphoma, anemia, diabetes, kidney disease, and thyroid problems could also lead to itching skin.  
  • Multiple sclerosis, shingles, herpes, and others are also responsible for itching skin.
  • Anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and others are also a cause of itching skin.
  • Allergic reactions to clothing items like wool, soaps, or chemical substances from cosmetics or detergent can also lead to itching skin
  • Certain drugs like opioids could also cause itching skin.

Eight Tips That You Can Do For Itching Skin:

  1. Ointments and Creams: Covering the affected area with a corticosteroid cream is one of the simple methods to control itching skin. You can also use creams with primary ingredients including calcineurin inhibitors like pimecrolimus (Elidel) or tacrolimus (Protopic) as they help in managing itching as well as control rashes.  
medicine for allergy
  1. Medicine for Allergies: One of the well-known cures for itching skin is allergic creams. Over-the-counter medication that contains diphenhydramine (Benadryl) can help in managing the issue and can make it easier for you to manage the condition, especially at night.  
ice pack
  1. Cooling Techniques: Keeping ice packs on your skin is one of the most common and reasonable methods of managing itching skin. Covering the affected area with an ice pack or wet cloth can be very useful in managing rashes and alleviating inflammation. It also prevents you from scratching the area. 
  1. Stress Management: Stress is one of the many reasons behind itching skin. It can elevate the issue and can make you more irritated and disturbed. However, it's a temporary solution, but managing stress can also help in managing itching skin. Try yoga, meditation or any hobby that helps you in controlling your thoughts can help you manage stress, which is essential for managing itching skin
  1. Moisturizers: Investing in good quality lotions and moisturizer is one of the many ways in managing itching skin. You should use moisturizer to create a barrier on the skin that prevents the surface from drying and makes it easy for you to manage itching skin. 
  1. Oatmeal Baths and Baking Soda: Washing up the affected area with a gentle cleanser is one of the many ways of managing itching skin and help alleviate the issue. All you need to do is add some baking soda to your bathtub and lay in it for at least 30 minutes. You can also crush oats into a fine powder and use it as a scrub during the shower.  
apple cider vinegar
  1. Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar is known for its antibacterial, antiseptic, and antifungal properties. So, if you are suffering from itching skin then using natural and unadulterated ACV can help in alleviating the issue. Take some diluted ACV on a cotton ball or washcloth and apply it to the affected area. Let it sit for 30 minutes and then wash it with cool water. 
  1. Water: Water has many benefits when it comes to your physical well-being. One of those is to alleviate itching skin. Drinking water keeps your skin hydrated as well as helps your body flush out the toxins. Keep in mind, drinking too much caffeine and alcohol could aggravate the problem. You can also try using a humidifier at home to keep the skin hydrated. 


Itching skin is one of the most embarrassing situations, but with the correct home, medicine, and natural remedies, you can manage as well as alleviate the issue. We hope that the above-mentioned tips can help you manage the issue.

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